HawkEye Wizard is the most innovative geology software for teaching Earth Sciences. It offers interactive, stereoscopic 3D (S3D) explorations using real data from the Earth and Mars. No other method of observation, either the shaded relief imagery and aerial photos freely available on the Web or textbook drawings, offers such a unique and powerful educational tool: through stereoscopy, geology literally pops out of the screen!

The Earth and Beyond in Virtual Reality

With HawkEye Wizard, your stereoscopic 3D (S3D) voyage of discovery begins with a simple click of the mouse. Put the anaglyph glasses on and you are on your way to view the Earth and Mars in stereoscopy! HawkEye Wizard offers guided audio tours or independent explorations, from the seafloors to mountain peaks. Discover what the latest advances in the Earth Sciences are all about: plate tectonics and evidence of plate tectonics like trenches, oceanic ridges, faulting, earthquakes, volcanism on the seabeds and continents, or mountain building. See the aftermath of landslides, floods, meteorite impacts, ice ages, erosion, sedimentation, the potential consequences of global warming, and much more and always in stereoscopy!

For a tour, just listen to your guide who, through animations, and pop-up "vignettes", points to where to look and explains the significance of what is seen. You may even watch the simulation of opening rifts. The S3D cursor now rolls up and down on the ground, sometimes beyond or in front of the screen. You may move it while the guide is talking and check for yourself what is said: all the concepts of modern geology become reality.

For independent explorations, you may use the powerful tools for S3D observation. It is easy to travel in any direction, zoom in on details or zoom out, modify the relief enhancement or the direction of lighting, tilt or pan around the view, measure elevations, etc... You may overlay contour lines with adjustable units and intervals. You may select the "glow" or the "laplacian" mode to watch subdued features. The "anamorphosis" mode can be used to enhance details from a specific range of elevations. You may plot hypsographs, place "banners", polygons, fences, "dots", measure distances, slopes, and coordinates, draw different types of coordinate grids, paint surfaces, visualize lines of drainage, overlay maps, or satellite images, and adjust the sea level for simulations. With stereoscopic picture pairs, the "telemetry" mode allows the measurement of distances and dimensions; you may even use this powerful tool on the stereoscopic pairs sent by the Martian Rovers and available for free on the internet! Thanks to advances in digital processing, the "ghosts" that plagued anaglyphs are gone: S3D images are superb!

HawkEye Wizard allows students to create customized S3D "Scenes" with banners and audio. A Scene can be saved on a floppy or a USB memory and submitted as an assignment.

HawkEye Wizard comes with a huge database: data sets of the entire Earth and Mars and large-scale data sets from Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. HawkEye Wizard can import data, either digital elevation models (DEMs) or mono and stereoscopic images. All the large-scale USGS, GeoBase (Canada), etc... quadrangles can be downloaded from the internet for free and readily imported. Data can be imported from many different formats: DEM, SDTS, ArcInfo (Export Grid, ASCIIGRID, GRID FORMAT), geoTIFF, binary files, etc..., or sources such as LIDAR or SLAR.

For Earth Science activities and projects, please click here to see suggestions for covering California Standards (PDF document).

Hawkeye Wizard does not require special equipment and runs on every PC. The common 1024x768 pixels resolution with 24 or more bits per pixel is recommended. 800 Mb of disk space is needed. Projectors work well, allowing large audiences to follow a tour.

Click here to order HawkEye Wizard!


HawkEye Wizard: 1 Computer $ 455

HawkEye Wizard: 1 School Site License $ 1999

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