MINERAL VENTURE is an interactive computer simulation program which allows students and professionals to participate in a mineral exploration campaign where all the different aspects of this kind of enterprise geological, technical, financial, are taken into account. The only difference with an actual exploration is that time is compressed for field actions; these are performed instantaneously by the computer. The interpretation of results and the decision-making remain in a real time-frame.

The geological environment is a 1200 km2 field where details as small as twenty centimeters are modeled to a depth surpassing 2000 m. Several mineral targets such as copper, cobalt, lead, and gold are present. The economic value of these targets varies and their evaluation may require the use of geostatistical methods. Mineral Venture is not a static model: economic, geological, geochemical, and technical parameters can be modified easily, leading to many different environments.

Click this button to view a sample block diagram.

The technical exploration tools range from field geology and exploration geochemistry (stream sediments or soils) to augers, core or percussion drilling machines of diverse capabilities. Economic and technical constraints are present throughout the simulation. Each action is financially accounted for and tools cannot be used without discrimination.

Depending on the objective, several kinds of teaching can be implemented. The purely geological aspect can be underlined or geostatistics can be predominant with emphasis on data analysis and the evaluation of ore reserves.

MINERAL VENTURE is comprised of two different programs: the "Master" software for the workshop leader and the "Local" software for the participants. Participants in MINERAL VENTURE are usually grouped into small teams of three people and communicate with the leader who processes on a computer the requests issued by the teams. The communication medium is usually a flash memory or a diskette. At the end of a mineral exploration, each team submits a report on its activity and includes recommendations. The best way to measure the efficiency of our simulation is certainly to look at one of these reports. The reader cannot help thinking that he is dealing with a real prospect valuation where metallogenic considerations, various kinds of maps and spreadsheets, and economic insight are all presented.

Many parameters of the model can be modified at will. Rigs capabilities such as maximum depths and speeds can be adjusted. Geochemical backgrounds and the diffusion of metal around ore outcrops can be adjusted, the average grades of ores can be modified to fit different economic situations and the topographical parameters can be changed as well. In all versions, the leader has access to special commands allowing an easy exploration of the model through cross-sections and maps. In addition, gravimetry, tools for geostatistics ( automatic evaluation of ore-bodies, variograms,...) and extended graphics display ( structural maps, 3D block-diagrams, modification of map legends...) are also offered.

Our simulation is being used by universities around the world, either for beginners to learn the basics of geology or for advanced students and professionals to master more sophisticated techniques of mineral exploration, ore evaluation, and feasibility studies. First experimented with analog models, the method has been constantly improved and has now reached, thanks to experience and the advances in PC computing, a very high level of sophistication. It is highly appreciated by teachers and students. MINERAL VENTURE is also being used in research as an experimental field for testing strategies. This is truly an acknowledgment of the high quality and reliability of our model by the profession.

MINERAL VENTURE runs under all versions of Windows OS. As a minimal requirement, the leader and each team must have access to a computer with a USB port (or a floppy disk drive), and a printer.

The maximal number of teams (each team of two or three students) is 15. The software is easy to use and requires no special training.

All versions are granted a full site license for the "local" software.


1 School Site License* $5999

* includes 2 user's manuals, 4 geological maps, 4 geochemistry maps. Please contact us for any questions.

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