About Our Products

Eighteen Software currently offers four software programs for the Earth Sciences.

The first two programs, HawkEye and TopoMorpher , are designed to display Digital Elevation Models in virtual reality. They are used by professional geologists (TopoMorpher), teachers, students, and hobbyists (HawkEye).

Click here for more information on TopoMorpher

Click here for more information on HawkEye

Two other programs are dedicated to the teaching of geology, each of them in two different versions.

One is DeepEarth, a program designed for the teaching of geology at the high school and university levels.

Click here for more information on DeepEarth

The other is called Mineral Venture, and is a sophisticated simulation for the teaching of economic geology at the undergraduate and graduate university levels.

Click here for more information on Mineral Venture

Eighteen Software
P.O. Box 5663
Portland, OR 97228-5663

phone (503) 227-2292
fax (503) 227-2292
email orlando@18software.com